

ubg_health_create_bar_round(layer, sprite, x, y, health_min, health_max, angle_start, angle_delta, chunked, event)


Argument Name Type Description
layerlayer_idid or name of the layer to create the healthbar on
spritespriteid of the sprite to use as the health icon
xrealx-position to create the healthbar at
yrealy-position to create the healthbar at
health_minrealminimum value that the health can be
health_maxrealmaximum value that the health can be
angle_startrealangle that the healthbar should begin filling up (in degrees)
angle_deltarealhow many degrees between 'empty' and 'full'. Negative values can be specified
chunkedboolwhether or not to use the 'chunked' effect (requires extra subimage!)
eventUBG_HEALTH_RENDER_EVENTenum value from UBG_HEALTH_RENDER_EVENT specifying to render in draw or gui

Returns: (real)


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